Welcome to the beginning of your free weight loss and exercise training adventure! Today marks the dawning of a new era. Forget your excuses, forget your junk food, and forget sissy workouts. It’s time to get serious, fitter, healthier, happier, and stronger. Drilldoggy can, and will, whip you into shape in no time at all! So if you’re feeling comfortable, let’s begin. Your goal is to drop a dress size in 1 week with a healthy and balanced lifestyle, no crazy diet, but a new lifestyle.
- Step 1: Change Your Eating Habits
Please watch the short tutorial explaining the basics of healthy nutrition on the right side. Please try to stick to the basics this week. My 10 free weight loss recipes are absolute fat burners and I recommend that you eat them as often as possible instead of your traditional meals. (You find them below the training week).
Yes, the video is really short and doesn’t cover everything you need to know but it gives you an idea what a perfect weight loss meal looks like.There’s a detailed eBook with over 40 pages explaining the concept in great detail in Drilldoggy’s 12 weeks guaranteed weight loss program here.
- Step 2: Begin Your First Home Based Training Today
After that feel free to scroll down and explore the training area of your 1 week challenge. Combined with my recipes you will drop at least 1 dress size in only 1 week. You just have to begin!
Please remember: Drill Doggy is for the DOERS. If you’re a man or a woman, young or young at heart, dreaming of having a flat stomach someday or feeling and being stronger and fitter, then this program will work whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, someone who plays sports or a couch potato. But you have to be willing to do the program; Drill Doggy won’t work if you don’t do the minimum I ask. If you can’t commit to the minimum amount of exercise, if you can’t make any dietary changes, if you’re expecting to lose weight doing nothing, then Drill Doggy is not for you.
But if you’re willing to make a lifestyle change, if you’re ready to get healthier , then Drill Doggy will make a difference in your life.
Think of everything you’ve already accomplished in your life, your career, your college or trade education, your relationships. They all took work, right? Losing weight and getting healthy is the same, except that instead of seeing results in years, you will see them in weeks, if you follow the path I have designed for you.
Do you have any questions? Just send me an email at daniel@drilldoggy.com .
Thank you and have a great time!
Daniel Johnson
Here’s a short tutorial that explains you how to eat healthy. It’s really short and only covers the basics but it’s important to understand the way we created the lunch and dinner recipes.In our 12 weeks training program you’ll get a 40+ eBook explaining the concept in great detail!
Drilldoggy has recorded a short message for you and he explains how to stay motivated:
[ca_audio url=”http://drilldoggy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Talking_Dog_PETER_BAKER_VOICEOVER.mp3″ width=”450″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]
Your Free Training Week
We’ll start off with a week of beginner body weight exercises, combined with cardio training to get you into shape for our more advanced Drilldoggy training programs. The most important part of the training is to try your absolute best, put your heart and soul into every workout, and get plenty of rest! Follow along as best you can, and watch the videos for help on each specific technique.
It’s perfectly normal for you to find that you can’t quite do the plan like it’s presented, but it’s really important that you try your best and concentrate on IMPROVING your results EVERY WEEK. We recommend that you write down the number of repetitions you perform each circuit, as well as how much time you spent on each cardio session. You’ll notice that you’re improving and making progress every single week!
Don’t be too ambitious and make sure you know your limits. If you can get through this week and have some fun in the process, then mission accomplished : ).
You can click the fullscreen-button below:
Body Weight Circuit 1
[hana-flv-player video=”http://drilldoggy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Beginner-Circuit-1.flv” width=”450″ height=”auto” description=”” player=”6″ autoload=”false” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]
3 rounds:
15 Bodyweight Squats or 30 seconds
15 Push Ups or 30 seconds
15 Lunges per side or 30 seconds
15 Rows per side or 30 seconds (you can use a bottle instead of a band)
15 seconds Plank
Body Weight Circuit 2:
[hana-flv-player video=”http://drilldoggy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Beginner-Circuit-2.flv” width=”400″ description=”” player=”6″ autoload=”false” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]
3 rounds:
10-15 repetions or 30 seconds Jumping Jacks
10-15 repetions or 30 seconds 15 Push Ups
10-15 repetions or 30 seconds 15 Planks
10-15 repetions or 30 seconds Air Squats
10-15 repetitions or 30 seconds Burpees
Body Weight Circuit 3:
[hana-flv-player video=”http://drilldoggy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Beginner-Circuit-3.flv” width=”400″ description=”” player=”6″ autoload=”false” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]
10-15 repetitions or 30 seconds High Knees
10-15 repetitions or 30 seconds Air Squats
10-15 repetitions or 30 seconds Push Ups
10-15 repetitions or 30 seconds Burpees
10-15 repetitions or 30 seconds Crunches
Day 1: Body Workout Circuit #1 (video on the left side)
Body Workout Circuit #1 is our beginner fitness circuit, but don’t get too excited, it’s not as easy as it sounds. It’s a short, but intense circuit with Squats, Lunges, Push-Ups, Planks and Rows designed to train each individual muscle group of your body. Please watch the video on the left side, and try your best. It’s not necessary that you do all the repetitions we show, just make sure that you go to failure on each set.
If you perform 10 reps, yet you feel you had another 3 or 4 in you, make sure you do those extra 3 or 4 reps! As we said, don’t be discouraged if you can’t keep up with our video, if you are an absolute beginner, it’s perfectly normal that you can’t finish all of repetitions demonstrated in the video. Just try your best and do as many repetitions as you can in 30 seconds.
You’ll notice positive changes almost immediately and you’ll soon be able to perform even more repetitions in as little as 2 weeks. If you find the workout too easy, think about incorporating extra weights into the exercise, or even try using resistance bands. If you’re doing a set of lunges for example, try holding a couple of full water bottles, or even a couple of heavy books whilst performing the exercise.
Day 2: Rest
On every single one of the rest days, you should do some light stretching, and ice any of the muscles that are sore! Get plenty of sleep and drink some more water : )
Day 3: Body Weight Circuit #2 (video on the left side)
Body Workout Circuit #2 is another beginner fitness circuit, but it’s more intensive than circuit 1. It trains all parts of your body and is great fun in the process. Today we introduce some new exercises like Jumping Jacks and Burpees. Jumping Jacks and Burpees are perfect for weight loss because they get your heart pumping and mix elements of cardio and muscle training. Please watch the video on the left side, and try your best.
It’s not necessary that you do all the repetitions we show. Just try your best and do as many repetitions as you possibly can in 30 seconds. If it’s too easy for you, like before, think about doing more reps, or adding some extra weights or resistance bands.
Day 4: Rest
On every single one of the rest days, you should do some light stretching, and ice any of the muscles that are sore! Get plenty of sleep and drink some more water : )
Day 5: Optional Cardio Training
Here’s your reward: for 2 optional training days you’ve earned yourselves one free meal. This means that you can eat one meal that doesn’t stick to the Drilldoggy nutrition concept. Baiscally, you’ve earned yourselves a cheat meal, as long as you did your 2 optional workouts! (Please try to make the free meal as healthy as possible and stick to our guidelines: 1 free meal / 2 voluntary training days). If you want to make quicker progress we recommend that you make your free meal, relatively healthy if possible. This isn’t an excuse to go out and binge eat! Also, remember that it’s a free MEAL, not a free DAY, so stick to the nutrition plan up until your ONE treat meal.
Cardio is about getting your heart pumping, and your blood flowing. The best way to monitor this is with a heart rate monitor, and then figure out your zones. If this is a little too high-tech then you’ll just need to get a feeling for when your heart is beating at the right rate. Some great examples of cardio are: running in the park (one of my favorites), going for a bike ride, or just doing a few laps in your local swimming pool. Simply try your best, and go at a leisurely pace. This is LIGHT cardio training after all. The intention here is to ease you into the program, not kill yourself as if you’re training for a marathon. The intention today is to get your heart rate up, get your blood flowing, and to burn a few calories along the way. Things get much tougher so don’t worry about that.
Examples of exercise intensity levels:
Skipping Rope > Running > Swimming > Riding Bike > Walking
Recommended Time (Skipping Rope, Running, Swimming, Riding Bike, Walking):
15-20 minutes > 30-45 minutes > 45-60 minutes > 60-75 minutes > 90 minutes
Remember: These are only recommended times, and should be your targets after finishing the training program, and getting yourself fitter. For now just keep going for as long as you can! It’s great to ride a bike for 30 minutes, or walk for 45 minutes in the park. Every form of activity burns calories!
Day 6: Body Weight Circuit #3 (video on the left side)
Here we go. Today we introduce our body weight circuit 3. Lance has prepared some new, great fat-burning exercises for you, which are sure to get your heart pumping. 3 of the exercises in this circuit have already been present in the previous 2 weeks, and only the Crunches and High Knees are new. “High Knees” are a very effective Cardio exercise, and Crunches are perfect for helping you achieve a lean ripped stomach.
Just try your best and do as many repetitions as you can in 30 seconds. Like we always say, if it’s too easy, weights resistance bands, and more reps will soon change that. This way you can control your progress, and be proud about the improvements that you’re making.
Day 7: Rest – Celebration!
One week down on your journey to a healthy lifestyle! Great! :-)
I hope that you enjoyed the first week of the training program. If you want to continue the program and reach your weight loss goals:
Discover what Drilldoggy offers in his 12 weeks weight loss program.
Click here
- Learn healthy eating from a detailed digital book that explains nutrition in an entertaining and easy to impliment way.You won’t diet but eat well and as much as you’d like instead of starving yourself.
- Enjoy more than 100 fantastic and easy-to-make weight loss recipes with the ingredients, instructions and images for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks throughout the day.You and every member of you family will love the food…you’ll love the results…and you’ll have more time to enjoy both since these meals are as quick to make as they are delicious to taste.
- You’ll exercise with a 12 weeks fat burning training program with videos recorded by your personal coach. No gym, no gym equipment, and you’ll see results after only 2-weeks.
- A lot of fun with Drilldoggy, your faithful companion.
- A 60 days-money-back-guarantee.
- Instant access to everything Drill Doggy offers. Complete your order and log in. It’s that easy.
Healthy Weight Loss Snacks: