Egg and Bacon Crepes

Crepes are great for breakfast as they call for hassle-free cooking and can be decked up with new filling every time. Whether you love them sweet or more of a savory person, crepes will make sure that your kick start your day with your flavors every time.

More often, crepes are paired with fruits and cream for a yummy breakfast treat. But when teamed up with two breakfast favorites – eggs and bacon, the trio is ready to please your appetite and taste buds at one go!

Unlike most crepe fillings, the egg is cooked on the crepe and adorned with bacon bits for a savory touch! A dash of fresh herbs jazz it up further with their soothing aroma but feel free to add your favorite ingredients to bring out the flavors further. After all, this breakfast delight is a cinch and spares you a lot of time to play with flavors.

If you think that eating the wheat flour crepes would be just another way to cheat on your  new lifestyle, then think twice! What is the chestnut flour for?


Serves: 8-10

For the crepes:

  • 2 cups chestnut flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil, plus more if necessary

For the filling:

  • 1 egg per bacon
  • 10 bacon slices, cooked until crispy and chopped
  • 1 tbsp dried herb blend
  • Fresh herbs of your choice, finely chopped


  • Whisk the egg, coconut milk and water in a jar using a blender.
  • Fold in 200 g of the chestnut flour into the above mixture until well combined into a smooth batter.
  • Stir in the coconut oil until fully incorporated and set aside.
  • Heat a large skillet over high flame and grease the surface with few drop of coconut oil.
  • Pour ¼ cup batter onto the hot skillet and tilt it slightly while making a swirling motion to spread the batter.
  • Cook until the bottom of the crepe browns and the surface doesn’t remain runny.
  • Crack the egg onto the middle of the crepe and sprinkle a handful of bacon bits as well as a dash of Italian herb blend on top.
  • Fold the four corners of the crepe onto the egg to cover partially and slide it carefully onto a serving plate.
  • Make rest of the crepes in a similar fashion.
  • Sprinkle few chopped herbs on top of each egg and bacon crepe to garnish.
  • Serve hot.