Welcome! Here starts your weight loss journey.
Hi, is this your first visit? Cogratulations and welcome on board.
All we ask is that you try your best to complete the 12 weeks program, have heaps of fun, and lose weight in the process. Combine this program with our nutrition concept and you’ll soon see the pounds melting away.
Before you start, make sure that you read our medical disclaimer here. If you have any medical conditions, then it’s extremely IMPORTANT that you inform your doctor of what they are. By beginning with the training program, you agree that you have read and understood the terms and conditions. Thank you.
We recommend you that you use a training diary or journal, and make note of how many repetitions per exercise, you performed, as well as how much cardio you managed to do In that particular week. This way you can compare your results much easier, and track your progress.
Have a great time!