Week 6:

Intermediate Dog Training –

Round 2!

dog with leather bag

Welcome back to another week of extensive training, and fat burning activity? How did you find last week? Not too strenuous we hope? [ds_firstname], before we begin, take a few minutes to look back over your notes from last week, and look at what you achieved! I’m proud of you for making it this far, and it’s now time to pull up your socks, and get ready for the second Body Weight Circuit that we’ve prepared for you.

This week we have planned 3 body weight exercises and 1 cardio training day for you. There’s an optional cardio training day too, but this week we simply want to concentrate on improving how well you perform with your circuits.

Remember: If you do need to adjust the program, whether it be exercise, reps, or weight, just make sure to write it down so that you can keep track of the changes that you made. Don’t be afraid, we’re right here beside you, every step of the way. Be sure to make full use of the videos and recipes provided, for best results. As always, if you can get through this week, have fun, and make some great improvements, then consider that, mission accomplished! : ) Let’s get this party started!

You can click the fullscreen-button below:

Body Weight Circuit 6:

Body Weight Circuit 5:

Body Weight Circuit 2:


Day 1: Light Cardio Training

Cardio is about getting your heart pumping, and your blood flowing. The best way to monitor this is with a heart rate monitor, and then figure out your zones. If this is a little too high-tech then you’ll just need to get a feeling for when your heart is beating at the right rate. Some great examples of cardio are: running in the park (one of my favorites), going for a bike ride, or just doing a few laps in your local swimming pool. Simply try your best, and go at a leisurely pace. This is LIGHT cardio training after all. The intention here is to ease you into the program, not kill yourself as if you’re training for a marathon. The intention today is to get your heart rate up, get your blood flowing, and to burn a few calories along the way. Things get much tougher so don’t worry about that.

Examples of exercise intensity levels:
Skipping Rope > Running > Swimming > Riding Bike > Walking

Recommended Time (Skipping Rope, Running, Swimming, Riding Bike, Walking):
15-20 minutes > 30-45 minutes > 45-60 minutes > 60-75 minutes > 90 minutes

Remember: These are only recommended times, and should be your targets after finishing the training program, and getting yourself fitter. For now just keep going for as long as you can! It’s great to ride a bike for 30 minutes, or walk for 45 minutes in the park. Every form of activity burns calories! 

Day 2: Body Workout Circuit #6

Today’s workout will require some equipment: a chair, and something to provide some sort of resistance (the resistance band we recommended last week, or simply a bottle will do). We’re now going to introduce some supersets, and variations of exercises that you learned before. You already know most of the technique that’s required for the exercises in this circuit, but there are some changes that will be made, and some new techniques that you’ll be learning.

Everything’s ok so far?  Once you’ve performed the first 5 workouts you shouldn’t have any problems with this next stage. The recommended repetitions are only as a guideline and – as always- you can choose your own intensity levels by reducing or increasing the amount of repetitions that you perform.

Day 3: Optional Training Day: Rest or Light Cardio Training

You don’t have to use the optional training day to make progress, but if you feel fit and want to see quicker results, feel free to exercise on this day. We recommend that you do some light Cardio Training for this workout. Remember: There’s a reward (a free meal) for every second optional training day that you complete.

Day 4: Body Workout Circuit #2

Here’s the workout circuit of the beginner’s stage again. It’s great to repeat them as often as possible, so as to become better acquainted with the exercises and movements. By now, we’re sure you’ll be able to perform more repetitions now than you’ve made it into your second week.

Day 5: Rest

On all of the rest days you should do some light stretching and ice any of the muscles that are sore! Get plenty of sleep and drink plenty more water : )

Day 6:  Body Workout Circuit #5

Have you been keeping track of how many repetitions you were able to perform in the last week? Here’s the previous week’s circuit once again.  As before, try to improve your performance, and aim for more reps than last time.Good luck!

Day 7: Rest – Celebration!

That’s another week down on your journey to a healthier, happier, fitter, you. I’ll see you tomorrow for Week 7! Congratulations, I wag my tail to you on a job well done!